Friday, June 27, 2008

He Is a State of Mind

He raises his right hand and directs it to his sweat covered forehead. He stands tall with his feet welded together

at the ankle. His muscles are tense and determined to execute any command given by his exterior authorities. He

remembers when life was not so strict, so contained within boundaries. He use to play. His life was an early

morning to make the school bell and the rest was enjoyment. His witty actions and entertaining sounds

accompanied by less amusing actions (to the girls anyway), would leave him satisfied. Every day was a new day.

When one is so young, everyday holds mysteries that must be unlocked, discovered and understood. Everyday he

could learn, everyday he was finding new ways to define himself - but only today is he truly deciding what he

believes himself to be. All the adventures he journeyed in grade school he is now discarding and accepting - he

discovering who he is at this moment.

He obeys his command 'at ease' and makes his way to his cot in the less than glamorous cabin. He unbuttons his

coat, removes his leather black boots and lays on his impeccably made bed. He thinks. When he was young he was

never alloted time, there was never a schedule of how to spend his time. He'd always have tasks to complete but

rarely were these tasks given with a strict way of completing them. The freedom he had is lost. Now he fights for

freedom. He does not regret his choice but sulks for a moment in the idea of having kept his young spirit of

recklessness and easy laughter. But what he did has now been seen by everyone - their is no more discovery for

him. He must now obey his boundaries and be satisfied with remembering how life once use to be.

He decides that he has not evolved from boy to man, instead he is boy or man depending on his state of mind.

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