Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Everything she writes is awkward,

She thought this is what distinguished her from them all,
and now they chant of falsities in her art.

It hadn’t always been so,
she didn’t always “fluff” her work
and when she did she thought it showed character,
But she was wrong…
it shows
lack of professionalism,
a weary writer – masking nothing to say
in a thesaurus.

It is discouraging.
Even if it is for the best.
Like many others striving on nothing
but the belief of talent –
she has found herself at a cross roads.

She has begun to lose the motivation which once
spurred her on.
She has begun to despise writing.
Despise using her thin fingers to type at nothing.

She isn’t religious but for once,
she would hope that He could guide her.
Tell her it’s ok to let this individuality
hide in the folds of her unwritten folded pages.

If he could reassure that soon she will be able to
write – anything and everything –
superfluous in nature,
and not be scolded,
she would blend in with the others…

But He does not reassure.
He does not exist in her heart.
He is a listener to her rants,
that are two desperate and pitiful to open ears.

She will try to fulfill Their needs,
Fulfill her grades…
and leave unnecessary… until she meets it again.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Writing vs. Acting: Is there a difference?

Hello world!
I stumbled across someone's blog today, an aspiring actor, who is detailing his successes and tribulations in pursing his dream. To be honest, I read it and felt like I wasn't the only one. There are many similarities that can be drawn between acting and writing, and as I began to analyze what they were, I understood that chasing your dream is hard!

I think the greatest difficulty is finding your way in...trouble is... getting someone interested enough to outline a door. With two such creatively depended careers it seems that not only does one have to understand the fundamentals of each, but also re-invent themselves or their work so that it is individual!

I get him. Unlike him however, I didn't always want to be writer. I experience the classic, "I wanna be a doctor" to the always expected "I wanna be a lawyer." Oh the glory days, when what you wanted to be seemed a lifetime away and the world was yours to discover. Sometimes I think we are all mislead when we are young... I should have just said I wanted to be an apple... juicy, sweet and organic! (seems simple enough).

i didn't always write... but I always wondered. Not about all things but about people and the experience which decipher a specific character. I always wonder why? Why is he like this? Why did she do that? I'd observe and imagine what could have happened. Language, both verbal and physical, intrigue me because they can be so revealing. I don't mean to be so nosy... but if someone sits in silence I want to know why... what happened?

Then you can see now, why reading his blog or anyone else's blog intrigues me so! I feel like I understand, and that maybe I wouldn't seem so obnoxious and ignorant - unaware of others.

Writing reveals so much about a person, but just like acting it can be hidden behind fiction... a character's part you must act. It is an intertwining dream of trying to understand reality.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Delicious Dessert

Why is it that some people don't feel they deserve love? Even it it's falling down endlessly from the sky like snowflakes on a white Christmas, so they seek for shelter?

The "right" guy has seemed to come into everyone's life, the one with the steady head and ambition, the one with gentleman-like manners who has been lucky enough to own all the glamorous merchandise a girl could hope for... why is it that this is never enough?
The appeal of the chase is an attraction that pulls all of us ladies into heartbreak and confusion, and yet we continue to fantasize of these possible scenarios in which we act as independent women who want to be "damsels in distress".

For so many, first loves have always been difficult, in other words, we were unseen as the shining gems we are. And isn't that what we are so attracted to? Winning over the thoughts someone has about us, proving them wrong? That feeling of accomplishment, walking out of the trenches and into a paradise that seems to appealing?

I had a dream last night where he followed me. Having spend years apart that rekindling of lost attraction made him want me again. Should my dream have lasted longer than it's meager few minutes, this wanting may have subsided back into nothing as it so ruthlessly ended in reality. But even though it was a dream, I woke up enlightened, although slightly concerned for this sub-conscious awakening. Even if the truth is that our lives will never be conjoined because too much time has led to a deeper valley of understanding - what is this appeal to seeing him again?
Could it be that I liked not getting what I wanted, that i lived by his rules in his presence?

If that is true, than it may explain how coming to terms with a great relationship can prove to be so difficult. When you're accustomed to one way of things, one way of what love was... how much harder is it to accustom yourself to the way love should really be? Is there a single way of sharing and showing this love? Is is meant to be difficult or a "piece of cake"? And what constitutes that cherry on top?

I think the greatest battle is not to realize that you deserve a great love, but that you can cherish it as well. Because all the flowers, chocolates and kisses in the world mean nothing unless you are willing to receive them.

To all the women who believe that nothing has ever worked out, that you have loved and lost and that time seems to be taking forever - know that there are no boundaries, no standards to which love appears. It doesn't happen in a moment or a lifetime, it happens when you can let go of the heartache, expectations and falsities which surround lust that you can welcome in ... "a cherry cheesecake, and don't forget the whipped cream!"

Happy Holidays!

I love the season (especially from indoors) but i can't wait for the gift giving to be over!

I'd like to wish all my readers (the hand full anyway) Happy Holidays!!!
Thanks again,
and i hope to update more frequently during the new year!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Here's another great song I just heard in "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" starring Sean Pegg and Kirsten Dunst.
"With Every Heartbeat" by Robyn

If you don't remember Robyn here's another song that'll be sure to remind you.
"Show me love" by Robyn

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Writing Portfolio

I'm trying to start a writing portfolio. Although I haven't been published to any great extent, I am trying to write samples. If there are any interesting and though-provoking topics you have encountered, please leave a comment. Any ideas would be great! Thanks.

Otis Redding - Open The Door

Another absolutely fabulous song by Otis Redding entitles "Open the Door."

URL: http://hypem.com/track/597929/Otis+Redding-Open+The+Door

Just click the "play" symbol to hear!