Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rain, Rain Come Today

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I decided to call him my ‘boyfriend’. I had too many times come across labels and their false attractions to be fooled once again. But this time it happened on my terms. This time, I know that the label helps to identify who he is to others but unimportantly sails the surface of the deep sea I have the pleasure to explore.

I’m still unaware of the future… and I’m pleasantly wrapped in the present. I know that the terms you enter a relationship with aren’t guaranteed the whole way through … they’re not written in stone. And without fail, the circumstances will change and challenge what at first we think is forever – that blind love. The love that sees no wrong, that looks beyond the questionable moments, a love on steroids drugged with unicorns and rainbows.

What happens when we find out unicorns are a fantasy, false? Or that rainbows only show themselves after a storm?

I don’t know…

But just as a fantasy is yours to control…

Just as the rainbow always shows itself after a storm…

The moments of blind love are great. And they are forever.

The feeling I’m feeling… I cannot label but I know a change or a challenge is welcomed with open arms. Because if victory is a reassured love… then I’m addicted.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Working Script: Title?

Looking through my notebook I came across a script I was thinking about. Anyway here are my notes. Let me know what you think... is there potential, even if its just a pinch?


the homeless man gores through his pile of junk and chooses one at a time and describes a situation and person who may appeal to the item. What I want to establish is how the things we buy or use greatly define and affect our character and who we are viewed as to others.

in the end, because he has a pile of junk, i want him to consider what is being said of him.

maybe that he is a blank slate deciding who he wants to be... or that he views these items as the only means of surviving... or that he is not reliant on these objects to define who he is or... that it is only through these objects that he can define those around him...

Throughout the act, people walk by him on the stage and he offers them an item (which they decline). Knowing that that was the wrong item to offer, he searches for one while describing the person who it would have appealed to.

In an alley surrounded by knick knacks and other random things (auto parts, magazines, boxes). A homeless man has made a home in the alley encircled by garbages dumps at sunset. He makes a living by selling these 'things', seemingly useless to passing people. The scene begins with him trying to fix a couple of pipes together for a roof water drainer.

An older man walks onto the stage and nods as he passes the man hard at work. The man sees this as an opportunity and tries to sell his newest discovery.

Homeless man: do you need a water pressure gun?

Passer-by: No. (responds without stopping and shakes his head. continues on his way)

Man is unaffected by this because it has become routine to be turned away and refused.

He continues to work at his draining pipe and begins to nod his head continuously to himself.

Man: Oh yes, this will defintetly sell , if only for a few bucks. Everything sells... eventually, just need to find the right buyer. Everyone comes across that thing thats's missing... to complete something else... everyone...

He lifts his work into the air, spins it around in a full circle, nods in satisfaction and lays it gently on the pile. He begins to look over his pile and counts inventory.

Man: one water pressure, one water strainer, one rubber tire, one long rubber hose, one window frame, one extension cord (lifts it, extends it and adds...) with minimal extension, one wheel-less skateboard, one headless doll...

(a man appears on stage), one...

(noticing the man) ... you need some rope?

Passer-by: No (shakes his head vigorously , quickens his pace and walks off stage).

Man: (tosses rope aside) Ofcourse he doesn't need rope...

While describing the perosn, he reveals his own strony of how he got to where he is and his feeling of beign there.

Another local homeless man carries a cart onto the stage. He speaks to his fellow mate and asks:
"Wanna take a look (points to his cart)? May find something that'll sell.

Man: No (shakes his head vigorously).

Seller walks away mumbling to himself.

Man continues to work on another piece of junk.


That's pretty much what i have so far...

This was written underneath...

People are reflections of ourselves. The situations we choose to base a person's character are relative to ourselves, our own hurts, joys and fears. We judge through relating and thus, define ourselves in the process.


Any titles that you've thought of?
A name for the main character or nameless?
Let me know what works and what should change?
