Sunday, April 20, 2008

Questioning Answers

What is it that I am looking for? Is it happiness, security or possibly the thought of either? It seems that so much of life is already defined for us and we are only meant to choose which definition defines what we believe our selves to be. Why is that we must have an answer that can be understood by many? Answers which are easily communicated and straight to the point? My concern is that there is no ‘point’ to get to, every defining moment is an array of native feelings, many of which we do not acknowledge because they seem so foreign. Too many of our questions are internal and abstract – which results in internal and abstract answers. It has been said that being able to ask questions is of greater reward then answering them. This rings true because in answering questions it seems that a concrete definition has been given. There is almost the feeling of no return when a question is answered. I was asked what music I liked the other day and I realized that I couldn’t answer this question, as simple as it may be. A friend questioned how I do not know what I like. After some thought I think it’s a question of what it is I don’t like. I haven’t heard enough songs, been exposed to enough types of music to say that I don’t like something. I, without a doubt, have favorites, but even then they are of varying kinds of music.

This may be a fear of saying something I will later contradict. I do understand that everything is relative, but even in a single moment I doubt my answers because they define me. One may say that I should concentrate on having some sort of satisfying answer nevertheless so that others do not think I am a passive person. What I want is the opportunity to ask questions about the simple things that we so carelessly answer like our favorite music, shows or diners. I want to be able to profoundly explore my reactions to all of these questions and how it is I can better refine them so that they are not merely a dissatisfying ‘I don’t know’.

But I’d also appreciate if others did not criticize this answer because it is not meant to show a disconnection or a sense of carelessness but rather to show a mind and personality that has not explored the various definitions which will develop and be used as concrete examples of who they are.

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